This listing is for 1 Bronze turkey eggs for hatching. Pay only .95 cents shipping on each additional egg purchased. Eggs
are collected every day and sent fresh. We test eggs for fertility before start shipping. **Please know before buying that
shipped hatching eggs are a risk!, not because they are not fertile, but because delicate membranes in the egg can be damaged
during the process and reduce or destroy the eggs viability. Also they can be expressed to harsh conditions, dropped/shacked,
anything can happen once they are dropped off at the post office, it's totally out of my control. NOTE: Please check on the
weather before buying as the mail carrier may have delays on delivery, I would recommend to buy from your closest area as
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Royal Palm Turkey Hatching eggs.
I have 4 Hens to 1 Tom.
**Please READ ALL of This, or Don't Order From Me**
*have your incubator or broody hen, before you order*
**How it works**
A Tom mates with a Hen, she stores all the sperm in her oviduct, as her body makes eggs the sperm fertilizes them. She
stores the sperm for 2-3weeks, slowly releasing sperm to fertilize each egg. So even after only mating once, she will produce
fertilized eggs for weeks.
WITH THAT SAID, I see the mating take place, but I, YOU, or ANYONE ELSE, will never know if every egg is fertile, or if
the Tom successfully transfered his sperm during mating. This is why absolutly no one can guarentee fertility, even if they
say they do. I put my eggs in an incubator or under a broody hen about once a month, to see if anything develops, thats the
only true way to know if THAT PARTICULAR EGG is fertile, but it still does not gurantee every egg.
NOW, in a natural habitat, the hens leave the nest of eggs to grab a bit to eat and get a drink, she moves the eggs around
and other birds jump in the nest to lay an egg, and some times kick out those eggs ment for hatching, MEANING, eggs get knocked
around and shaken up, this is the same thing to expect during shipping a box of eggs.. The hen returns to the nest and gathers
the run-a-way eggs back into her nest, and sits on them for hours n hours (this is the same we ask of shipped eggs, LET THEM
REST so the yokes and air sacks can settle.
**I have tested the theory of frozen and cold eggs being good for hatching** I have even tested eggs held for 30days (still
My girls still go broody in the winter (and we have very hard, cold, long winters in Massachusetts) all my eggs still
hatch just the same. I have stored eggs in the frig for 2 weeks, took them out, let them rest until they got to room temp,
and placed them in the incubator, and guess what, they hatched!
I have gathered frozen eggs that were outaide in 20degrees, and still hatched them. So don't fall for the "refrigerated
eggs kill the eggs".
And if your in an area with humidity, taking eggs out of a frig to get to room temp, will get covered in condensation,
i put the eggs in a paper egg carton, and drape a papertowel over them, i do not wipe the eggs down. Once they are dry, i
start the incubator.
***I have also tested the "dirty egg" myth. My girls love to eat an egg left in a nesting box. Well that makes
a mess of the other eggs in the nest. I gathered the eggs covered in yoke and egg white, let them dry (i did not wash them
off and i did not wipe them off) and guess what, i hatched them too.
Feedback impacts an ebay business, rate on packaging at time of arrival, and not "your" hatch rate, as i can
not hatch them for you.
***BE READY before you order***
I will be happy to work with you if you have a few questions, but please research how to get a successful hatch rate from
"shipped eggs". Every incubator has its own setting, and I am not the manufacturer, so i do not know how they all
I can never assume the post office handled your package properly, and I can never know if you know, how to candle an egg
or help a chick out of an egg properly, or when to step in to help a chick out, dont let your incubator go quiet, but also
know some chicks need an extra day. Its a guessing game on if you should even open an incubator in the final days, sometimes
I do, sometimes I dont. Sometimes Im glad I did, sometimes I loose a chick because I jumped in too quickly to help.. I have
gotten bad reviews from people that thought since an egg was "layed" on a Thurday, they can candle it when it arrived
in the mail at 7 days old and say the egg never developed and say the egg is dead. Well guess what, eggs dont start developing
the day it was layed, it starts developing when the "right conditions" are intruduced to it. I learned years ago
by watching videos on line and going through dozens of mail ordered eggs, before finaly learning how to get a successful hatch
rate from mail ordered eggs... I personaly spent over $300 on 5 different ebay ordered eggs, before finaly getting the 5 turkeys
i have today. So yes, its mind numbing and frustrating, it sucks to loose money and feel like your waisting your time, but
now I have the 5 turkeys I have today, and can make money to feed them and care for their habitat, and show off. Plus we get
to feed our selves and make as many as we want for others and eggs for you... We have made our money back and put meals on
our friends and families tables and our own. You can too.
If you do not understand the risk of mail ordered egg hatching, please do not order
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