Our chickens are happy and healthy, beautiful Blue Red Laced, Silver Laced and Gold Laced Wyandottes. Our roosters are Blue
Red laced and our hens are Blue Red, Silver and Gold laced.
Blue Laced Red is one of our most popular Wyandotte varieties! Due to the genetics of the blue plumage color, the "blue"
in the blue lacing will actually be what's known as BBS, which means they lay chicks that are blue red, black red and/or splash
laced. Baby chicks that hatch out from our flock are a variety of colors and are truly stunning!
Wyandottes have a heavy body, which makes them a great dual purpose choice, some people like to raise them for meat.
They have a small rose comb, which makes them perfect for cold climates because they are not prone to frostbite. The hens
are hardy, energetic and fantastic layers.
Our farm is NPIP certified. They have been tested by the Dept. of Agriculture for Salmonella Pullorum and Avian flu.